Mind & Music

with The Luvely Rae

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted a Monday Mind & Music.  What’s on my mind today? Well, music actually. There’s a lot of really great music out there for classic burlesque routines. In my beginner burlesque class, Burlesque Virgin, we practice different stylized walks to classic music. Part of making this segment of the class fun for me is finding classic tunes that make people want to move. Pretty much every classic burlesque performer (or any burlesque performer new to the art of burlesque) owns a copy of Tease! the art of burlesque. It’s a good album and fine for practicing, but when I see a classic burlesque performer take to the stage performing to a tune off that track, my brain immediately falls asleep. Where’s the imagination? Where’s the creativity? You can have a dozen raven haired fair skinned dancers with Betty Page bangs all slowly peeling a glove to Harlem Nocturne or doing a bump and grind to David Rose’s The Stripper. Guess, what even Dita Von Tease bothers to remix her music for a personal touch.

So today’s Mind & Music is this…

EEC for your Mind: Explore the world around you, Educate yourself, and Continue to be original.

Here’s some classic music makers I highly recommend for your listening pleasure:

The Johnny Staccato Band

Glen Miller Band

Artie Shaw

Louis Armstrong

Tommy Dorsey Band

A few of my favorites that I’ve used on stage and in class include Staccato’s One Mint Julep, Miller’s String of Pearls, Shaw’s Stardust, and Armstrong’s Basin Street Blues. I’ll add Sonny Lester’s Seduction of a Virgin Princess to my list of classic faves.


For a fun list of worn out tunes check out this old article by Sparkly Devil
Here’s a fun Glen Miller clip with The Nicholas Brothers