This week has been amazing! taking my tired ballroom-burlesque-ballet-belly dancing-salsa dancing feet to the studio to have some fun! me!

If I have a thought that will increase productivity, creativity, and profit, but the implementation of that thought proves time

Hip-hop is definitely not what it used to be, which was creative, original music. Missy Elliot

The only valid censorship of ideas is the right of people not to listen. ~Tommy Smothers With NYC police ousting

Grapevine. Move faster. Move like a stripper!”- My boss My boss is the best. I couldn’t get the timing of

the best support you can give to live art is to be a great audience members.”- Rae Donations are grand,

…there will be kitties and, as always, there will be titties!!! My good friend Ula Ubberbossom

Two brainy babes are better than one.

The Luvely Rae

Dare to dream and may every action lead to creating a better reality.


You’ll never know unless you ask.

Somebody really smart