Here’s a quick update on my 30 days towards building a better business:
For Days 1-8 click here
For Days 9-17 click here
For Days 18- 20 click here
For Days 21- 24 click here
10/25- Send a Thank you Note– I sent a very expensive thank you gift to what was probably my biggest account this year. I’ve been trying to incorporate a “gratitude system” in business since March. Still trying to get it right, but I’m getting better.
10/26- Video 5 mintue how to- really?! Another one. I didn’t do the video from the 24th
10/27-Create a secret weapon– so after weeks of rehearsals, classes, and shows my apartment was a disaster. I haven’t seen my Driver’s license in over a week and it’s either in my room or gone forever. I spent all of Sunday simply cleaning my space and resetting things so I can get more done. Maybe organization is my secret weapon.
10/28- Clean out 1 thing- I have 3 baskets in my room that are filled with miscellaneous items. These baskets are left over from the great purge of the 27th. I did go through my list of missed or pending gigs and follow up. 1 person replied. That’s one reply I might not have gotten had I not followed up.
10/29- Ask for 1 thing- I asked for a nice dinner at home with my husband and I got it! I
10/30- Summarize your month- well I managed to work on 4 out of 5 areas for improvement, but consistency was a huge problem during weeks when I had multiple gigs. I am closer to my 4th quarter financial goal.
10/31- Email Affirmation- yeah, I need to update this.