It’s amazing how many unopened letters, unfinished costumes, and half typed emails I’d accumulated over the past 6 months. Actually it’s more disgraceful than anything. It’s taken almost all of January just to make a bit of sense out of the whole mess. Delete this, toss that, mail this, sniff check that. Well, February should mean way more artstic merry making, and of course more coffee breaks with friends. By the way, if I didn’t answer your email from 4 months ago, I probably just deleted it (not on purpose), and though I’m a tea drinker and not a coffee drinker, feel free to email me and we’ll meet up for a cup or two.

Artsy stuff:

10pm, February 3rd, 2012

performing at Hypergender Burlesque

The Theme is Passion. I’m a passionate person. So many ideas. So little fabric.

8:30pm, February 7th, 2012

hosting & performing at The Luvely Rae’s One Night Stand

I love that I get to start the evening shaking it with some really fabulous ladies. Sake Fevah, Apathy Angel, Miss Firstbase Fannie, and La Maia. Yes, I’ll be giving out hugs and kisses as has become tradition.

10pm, February 7th, 2012
performing at Geek Girls Burlesque Valetine’s Day show

Classic Pinup Style burlesque show.

10pm, February 16th, 2012
performing at Stand Up and Take Your Clothes Off

This is a great evening of female comedians and female burlesque performers. Not to be missed.

6:30pm, February 21st, 2012
testing new works at Move Me NYC

8pm, February 21st, 2012
performing at The Luvely Rae’s One Night Stand