Right before a big show I put some extra attention into what I eat. For a while I did the low carb high protein thing on show day, but the downside to that is 50% of the time I end my night trying to fight off a major migraine. So instead I’m back to eating low sodium the entire week before the performance. I also up my veggie intake, drink more water, and try to steer clear of pasta. The slightly healthier diet combined with exercise and a fancy costume is what makes me feel great when I go on stage. I don’t want to be on stage wondering if anyone notices my tummy bloat (I’ve seen those photos and the do not make me happy). Since burlesque is so support of all sizes the minimal amount of water weight I drop by show time is probably only noticeable to me, but when I feel good, then I am focused on delivering a great performance which is what matters.
This week I discovered I could enjoy a guilty pleasure with half the calories of a traditional pie.
Homemade Pizza:
Okay, when I say homemade I do mean I assemble it at home. I don’t make the crust myself. I used to, and frankly I’m too busy to be bothered.

I’m a frequent shopper at Trader Joe’s. The shop is well known for its convenience products in addition to its low prices. I usually buy the Rustic Ciabatta Flatbread and top that with Marinara, vegan soy cheese (either the Trader Joe brand or Daiya), and whatever veggies I have around the house. Now the package does not say “vegan” so I always feel a little odd buying this flatbread.
Please note, I can eat the entire pie in 1 day. 6 slices in one sitting and the last 2 slices 15 minutes later. The bread alone is almost 1,000 calories. Not good for a girl who likes to eat an entire pizza by herself.
Now let’s meet the new Trader Joe’s Organic Pizza Crust. There are 2 pizza crusts in a pack. They are thin, the crust won’t rise, and if you like fluffy crust then this is not the way to go. However I pizza crust (1 whole pie) contains only 520 calories. Last night I used Tomatillo Salsa instead of Marinara, Vegan Soy Cheese from Trader Joe’s, and frozen spinach– an entire pizza in 1 sitting and about 700 calories. Finally I don’t have to feel guilty about getting a pizza craving the same week as a show.
Photos from blogs: You Cook and I’ll Clean and Club Trader Joe’s check out their blogs and see what they think of the pizza crust mentioned.